Links to Fab stuff
Brick Meet - my favourite review website of military bricks
Brick Freaks Worldwide - my favourite review channel for Technic/Alt brick sets
Terry’s Live Steam, COBI & CaDA! - YouTube great little movies of sets and trains
TreeBark Productions - YouTube Top notch COBI animation
Keith Appleton - YouTube Model steam engines and how to use a metal lathe
SimHanger Flight Simulation - YouTube Getting the most out of MS FS2020
Fx Bricks Programable bricks & metal Lgauge track system (use with COBI trains)
COBI SA - YouTube Latest and greatest news, sets and MOCs
Brick Army Canada | Vancouver BC | Facebook Our very own FB page!
Battery Powered Bricks Super Youtube channel - Lego Train repairs, mods, RC improvements and more good stuff - get out your soldering iron!
TrixBrix plastic various Lgauge track geometries and switch automation
Brick Visions - custom stickers for CaDA sets